I’m gearing up to dive into a huge project at home, digitizing a sizeable photo-archive. This week I’m planning on ordering a scanner build just for photograph scanning, an Epson Perfection 600. I’m really hoping the “Digital ICE” is as good as reported. Some of the slides, negatives, and photos I’ll be scanning do have some damage, so I’m very hopeful that this built in corrective software can really do what it’s claiming. In the mean time, I’m trying to convince my mom to give me full access to all … Continue reading
Category Archives: Deep Thought
I don’t usually discuss politics here, but a recent posting over at the CATO Institute really bothered me in that it basically recommended voting GOP in upcoming elections – and I have a real problem with that. I have a real problem with Democrats as well, since I’m a Libertarian. Anyways – here’s some political rambling: The biggest problem with the GOP is they’re willingly chained to the bed of religious sycophants, and being repeatedly screwed by them. I used to be a Repub, but since the religious zealots took over … Continue reading
And picking up the U-Haul tomorrow. Writing from my laptop perched on top of a bunch of boxes. Hopefully everything will go smoothly over the next couple of days; loading, driving, unloading, unpacking essentials, etc. The blog will probably be pretty slow until I get some stuff unpacked and I get into some kind of routine. I hope that will be sometime by the end of next week. Of course I haven’t been gaming much at all, and there isn’t much else to report – OH! I did get a … Continue reading
I spent most of the weekend boxing up the rest of the bookshelves, which included all my “media” like; books, DVD’s, CD’s, cassettes, etc. Today I should be getting a bunch of packing paper (blank newsprint) to start working on all the doo-dads, chachkas, knickknacks, and other “stuff.” If I can get that all done, then I think I’ll start on the kitchen. I’ve got a bunch of dishes to wash as it is, so I may as well do those and pack them up. It’d be much easier if … Continue reading
I’ve always dreamed of having a gardening simulator on my PC. Well, ok… not always, but ever since I seriously got into gardening when I bought my first house back in 2000. I mean the data is already out there, in spades – but no one seems to have come up with a decent algorithm for this. There might not be a huge demand, but I do know that the many gardeners I’ve met over the years are quite passionate about their hobby and would love a tool like this … Continue reading