Well October was a slow month for posting as well as traffic to the blog. Number one on the reason for that is that I’ve just been extremely busy and I’ve also not been feeling well. And the fact that I’ve dropped all of my subscription games for now to take a rest from most of them while I goof around in DDO. November will probably be another slow month, since I’ve signed up for the NaNoWriMo challenge to try and write a 50,000 word draft novel manuscript. So my free time, what little I have left, is pretty much spoken for in spades. But, without further ado, here are October’s stats:
Traffic slowed considerably from September’s 899 hits to October’s 756 – but that’s still much higher than October of last year, which only had a total of 310 hits. Bringing my 2009 total up to just over 7,600 – so I’m still well on track for my goal of 8,000 hits this year. Basically I wanted to double the traffic I had last year which totalled nearly 3,900 .
Top Posts this month
- Enochian Tablets… Building Your Own with a whopping 127 hits
- Gardening Bug with 77
- ScreenShots with 75 (again I think someone is just linking their page to my screenshots, so it’s kind of skewed)
- EVE related posts dropped to tie Screenshots for third with 75 hits as well.
- DDO posts round out the top five with 45 hits
The strangest search term was: “my perfect gadget” sex
I dunno – it just struck me as funny The top three searches were concerning plants, enochian tablets, and EVE – in that order.
Plans for Novemeber are pretty much to complete the NaNoWriMo challenge and to play a little DDO on the side when I feel like I can spare a bit of time away from the writing schedule. It should be a good month for writing since I’m one of the few that actually get Veteran’s Day off, and of course Turkey Day near the end of the month.
I hope all is going well in your world, that your Halloween was Awesome, and that you’re able to do something fun this month. Enjoy!