[Part 1] – [Part 2] – [Part 3]
This is a continuation of my (rough) translation of a French book concerning the Astro Mythological Lenormand, AKA “Grand Jeu de Mlle. Lenormand.” I’m posting this directly from MS Word, so it may not look terribly pretty, but hopefully it’s at least functional. Once the project is complete (in the far distant future, lol), I hope to post it as a singular PDF file. This posting covers the Ace-Four of Clubs.
Interpretation of the cards:
Ace – 4 of Clubs
Ace of Clubs [group: The Golden Fleece]
This card represents the chance of success, both personal and professional. For more precision, the neighboring cards will give some details.
The Letter C
Represents: Expression, Ingenuity, Liveliness
Floral Arrangement: Tremella (Fairy Butter?), Daisy, Blue Bells
Interpretation: Now is the time for creative self expression through painting, music, writing, etc. In a word, make yourself a work of art.
Large Subject: Jason in the forest, fighting his last battle for the Golden Fleece.
Interpretation: Success after having to fight a little. You have all the cards to play it your way. Triumph and success are assured on all endeavors/tests.
Bottom Right Subject: Jason and Medea are walking in a reception.
Interpretation: Your well-being and serenity are disturbed by the arrival of news that may upset your projects. Keep calm, things will sort out without great inconvenience.
Bottom Left Subject: Jason and Medea going away on a boat.
Interpretation: You feel the need to take some vacation and to relax for awhile. You can finally go on a trip and enjoy your free time renewing ties to certain people you may have lost sight of.
Constellation: Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer)
Interpretation: Success in all domains.
Overall Interpretation of the card
Great success in all domains. Get away from negative people during the necessary time to complete all of your projects. You will find a way, like Jason, to fight and overcome difficulties and emerge victorious in all situations.
2 of Clubs [Group: The Unforseen]
This card represents the dangers in associations. It recommends prudence in collaborations for the time being.
The Letter J
Represents: Creativity, Intelligence, Loyalty
Floral Arrangement: Wheat, Statice, Ash
Interpretation: You will be empowered to change your interior, whether in your home, or your behavior.
Large Subject: Goddesses basking on the banks of a river with small pots of gold, also called Jackpots.
Interpretation: These goddesses announce an inheritance, presents, a gift or even a completely unexpected win. Always a sign of happiness and tranquility in the coming weeks.
Bottom Right Subject: A bird in flight to land on top of a rock.
Interpretation: You must come to understand that you must make some effort to understand and indulge those around you. These efforts will bring you much satisfaction, dedication is always rewarded.
Bottom Left Subject: A bird resting on top of a rock.
Interpretation: Here you are finally free from material concerns, troubles, torments, or worries. The door is now wide open for financial transactions or investments without fear.
Constellation: Aquila (The Eagle)
Interpretation: A very satisfactory elevation.
Overall Interpretation of the Card
This glittering river truly symbolizes happiness for you and yours. Luck and opportunities of all kinds will be there for your enjoyment. Often, meeting a determined person that will bring you success.
3 of Clubs [Group: The Hermetic Science]
This card represents material rewards and financial stability. It contributes to the expansion of business affairs and the success of negotiations.
The Letter V
Represents: Mastery, Inspiration, Construction
Floral Arrangement
White Lilac, Willow, & Cockle [most likely Cow Cockle/Soapwort – saponaria vaccaria ]
Interpretation: Creative & inspired, all aesthetic concerns are particularly beneficial for you now. An ideal period for artistic inclinations.
Large Subject: The alchemical matter begins to dissolve. Kneeling down, the alchemist observes the change.
Interpretation: Like the alchemist, you will always be rewarded for your efforts and your patience. After a period in darkness, you finally find yourself in the light. Here is a great promise of joy, union and happiness.
Bottom Right Subject: Martea, goddess of heirs [inheritance], receives a visit from a man.
Interpretation: You can obtain an inheritance or a very important job change and especially advantageous. Caution that you do not fall into greedy behavior or profit & success at any price.
Bottom Left Subject: The three providers, daughters of the priest Anuis.
Interpretation: You are at this time in an extremely positive cycle, both materially and emotionally. Enjoy this auspicious time to consolidate or create your savings. If you’re having some health issues, everything will be OK. [ literal translation: all will be returned to order ]
Constellation: Hydra
Interpretation: Inspiration from meetings [visits, social gatherings, appointments].
Overall Interpretation of the card
Like the alchemist, if you remain calm and attentive, you will be rewarded for your patience. A very beneficial change awaits you in a short time, thanks to an important meeting. There’s a happy and quite unexpected turn of events presented to you.
4 of Clubs [Group: The Hermetic Science]
This card represents the loss of money or objects of all kinds. It recommends caution in business, because your balance will be hard to hold.
The Letter B
Represents: Sensitivity, Reservation, and Emotion.
Floral Arrangement: Gillyflower [which can be stocks, wallflowers, or almost any fragrant flower], and Cacao.
Interpretation: Although your love for your companion is not returned in the same fashion, be patient. Time will offer a reason.
Large Subject: The alchemist observes with great interest the dissolving matter.
Interpretation: You are so totally enamored that your passion has made you lose touch with reality. For a male consultant this card represents a sincere [true] love. For a female consultant, a mad passion that risks being a flash in the pan.
Bottom Right Subject: A grisette is visited by a gentleman.
[Via Google, a grisette is a young working woman, individualistic, artistic, usually poor to very modest means, sometimes refers to part-time prostitutes (?), often a bohemian]
Interpretation: Your feelings are unreasonable and exaggerated. You find yourself in completely false reality, and this puts you in a weak position. Be objective, you cannot impose [force] fidelity.
Bottom Left Subject: Sitting at a table, a young woman writes.
Interpretation: You work to consolidate [strengthen] your renown [reputation]. Writing or speech [communication] remains a strong asset that you should continue to develop. Once again, success will be obtained thanks to your efforts.
Constellation: Cerberus [3-headed guard-dog of Hell]
Interpretation: A recommendation to withhold your friendship.
Overall Interpretation of the card
Excess often provokes negative effects. You have to know to appreciate the pleasures of your new successes and the rewards from your work, without changing your behavior by becoming too proud. Do not allow yourself to be influence by greed. [Literally: Do not free yourself to be influenced by the appetite for gain.]
[Part 1] – [Part 2] – [Part 3]
I have a set of these cards printed in France in 1970. There is a large instruction booklet (176 pages) that comes with the 54 card deck that is entirely in English. If you would like to check out some of your interpretations let me know. For what it’s worth your version on MSword is a lot easier to read with great graphics included.
Please can you send me a copy of your book . Will pay you
Steffie, I got my deck recently from France, and it only included the card size LWB of 58 pages (56 minus cover and back) Is there any link to the 176 book you got? I’d really want that.
That would be great! The most difficult thing I’ve run into is translating the names of the flowers. Just like in English, several flowers may share the same or a similar name. And more than once I’ve run into the even more generic “pistil” or “stamen” designation. I do have another book (in French) on order to compare against, but it would be great to have an English reference as well. Do you have an author/publisher/copyright date ? Maybe I could try to round up a copy for myself. I have the “little white book” that came with my modern release of the deck, but it is very sparse on the details.
The deck and book I have was printed in France in 1969 by B. P. Grimaud. I was very lucky to obtain a large tarot card collection recently that dated back to the 1960’s. The book is in English, about 3″x5″, 176 pages. The introduction is “Explanation and application of cards – The Stars-Mythology Hermetic Art followed by an appendix with many lessons on flowers and animals. The big trick of forty-eight different interpretations and two games of chance by Mademoiselle Lenormand 1845. A side note – the book was copyrighted in 1969 by J M Simon.
It does list each flower for every card plus a lot of other information. I have to admit this deck and the magical systems the book describes appears to be very complex. I have not found any reference yet to this 1969 deck but I only recently obtained it so may luck out with some more research. It you find anything let me know.
Till then I will be glad to check for you when you run into translation problems.
Thanks for your translation. I wanted to buy the book and try, but your French is vastly superior to mine. I have a PDF of a book, GRAND JEU DE SOCIETE ET PRACTIQUES SECRETES MLLE LE NORMAND.
that I think I got from Google Books. It is similar to the little white book as to interpretations, but it has the flower names.
Thanks for that info! Using it I was able to find a copy of that PDF, I will take a look at it over the weekend and see how well it matches up. Thanks again!
Thank you for your translation. It help me a lot for using this deck.
Did you have a chance to get Steffie’s booklet? I try to find this book but never succeed.
Appreciate if you can share that too.
I don’t have a copy of that booklet. I do have a similar booklet from when I bought the deck, but it’s the more ‘modern’ and substantially trimmed down “Little White Book” (LWB), similar to what other divinatory decks are packaged with now days. I do have another ‘real book’ that is also in French, but it’s much more generic in its treatment of the bouquets, but it does have more information on the geomantic figures, which this source that I’m translating here has no information – so I see another translation project in my future 🙂
I also have only LWB which come with the deck.
I’m following your first project of the translation, let us know when you conclude all parts in to pdf file.
I’m also looking for your next project. 😀
Thanks a lot Lemegeton for your sharing.
Please look at http://www.tarotastromythological.com for potential lessons and consultations using this special deck of cards
i am wondering.how do u do a grand tableau in these cards.i mean with these cards.as they have sooo many meanings.its confusing.the petite lenormand grand tableau is very well done by me.so if anybody wants a reading just ask ok?i dont ask money i just love to help u out ok?
THANK YOU!!!! this is such a gift to have you translate!!! I love constellations and even when the name of it is there I dont see it!!! and the letters dont compute either… are the french words beginning with those letters?? anyway!!! thank you again for sharing… I almost bout this deck but I didnt pay for it and they raised the price… so one of these days… actually amazon has a reprint coming out in august of 2021 through lewellyn publishing. I hope to read all your english translations since it helps with other cards as well… its all a language of sorts… pictoral- symbolic… and other things pop up through our guides and intuition…
THANK YOU!!!! this is such a gift to have you translate!!! I love constellations and even when the name of it is there I dont see it!!! and the letters dont compute either… are the french words beginning with those letters?? anyway!!! thank you again for sharing… I almost bout this deck but I didnt pay for it and they raised the price… so one of these days… actually amazon has a reprint coming out in august of 2021 through lewellyn publishing. I hope to read all your english translations since it helps with other cards as well… its all a language of sorts… pictoral- symbolic… and other things pop up through our guides and intuition…
so many years later… where can I find your translations???
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